Cosmetics Processing Equipment
Do you have questions about custom equipment, or know exactly what you need?
We’re here to help.
We’re here to help.
We use over a century of innovation and experience to build custom cosmetics processing solutions.
Our expertise and services include:
- Ability to design portable vessels to accommodate pre-existing floor scales, doorways and room size limitations
- Fully equipped state-of-the-art laboratory testing facility
- An experienced, ASME Certified field service department is readily available for repairs, modifications and installations/start-up of your vessel or system
Our cosmetic processing equipment includes:
- Uniflow jacket, which assures uniform thermal flow and more active feet of heat exchange surface
- Heavy duty USDA-approved agitators and high-shear mixers
- Finishes to less than 6 Ra pre-validation documentation packages
- CE Marking capabilities
- ASME Certified
- Canadian Registration
The GPE service team is on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We are prepared to coordinate parts delivery and work around your production schedule to keep downtime to a minimum.
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